Library History


Octorara Area Historical Society

Review of Minutes of Moore Memorial Library – Presented by Hugh Douglass
Christiana, Pa.

  • 1880 –

    A Reading Circle was formed in Christiana. This was quite successful and a year later, in the autumn of 1881 the library was formed. The ladies of the Reading Circle met with some of the leading citizens of the town to form the Christiana Library Association. Dr. E. H. Plank was librarian. Library in drug store at corner of Gay and Bridge Streets and across from Longenecker’s Pharmacy. Open afternoons.

    • Officers mostly friends: President – J.G. Pownall
      Vice Pres. – E.G. Broomell
      Secretary – Emma Brinton
      Treasurer – Brinton Walter (Notes say Walker?)
      Directors – H. L. Townsend;
      Henry Broomell,
      R.E. Griffith,
      R. Ada Simmons;
      Sarah B. Pownall.
      Treasury: Receipts $183.45
      Expenditures: $131.78
      Balance: $51.67
      Purchased: 128 volumes at a cost of $127.65
      Cataloging as soon as books can be numbered.
      Fines set at .25 cents per volume after 2 weeks.
  • 1881-

    363 books in the library

  • 1886

    Fifth annual meeting of stockholders of Christiana Library Association.
    Librarian: Ella Irwin
    Fines .10 cents per week instead of .25 cents for 2 weeks.
    Shelves built in Ella Irwin’s Store. Rent $12.00 a year.

  • 1889

    Book Committee appointed.
    James Brinton
    Sarah H. Pownall
    Mary B. Pownall
    Eva Irwin – appointed to replace Ella.

  • 1895

    Room rent raised from $12.00 to $15.00.
    Shares in Christiana Library offered at $2.50 per share

  • 1897

    First Entertainment: Elsie Townsend her brother. Piano hired.
    Miss Carol Davis to give 2 recitations.
    Fines .03 cents per week for books overdue. Hall engaged for April 17.

  • 1898

    Library moved to H. C. Moore’s or Martin? He was librarian.
    Sign made for library by Mrs. Broomell and Annie Brinton.
    (Martin Building was on Green Street above Maple Avenue.)

  • 1901

    H.C. Moore retired. Mr. Martin new librarian.

  • 1902

    January 30,1902 library located in Martin Store.
    Later McGowan Store and 1987 apartment building.

  • 1904

    Library moved to Misses Hoy’s Store – Millinery Shop located at 47 Gay Street.
    At that site for 22 years. Moved there Jan. 18, 1905.
    (1987 occupied by Mrs. D. Lugaro)

  • 1910

    Second Entertainment recorded.
    Miss Chalfant of Atglen and class presented program.

  • 1912

    Third recorded entertainment. Miss Chalfant and class.
    Proceeds $31.75
    Decision to discard shabbiest books.
    Yearly dues for members .50 cents.

  • 1913

    Forth entertainment. Musical by Miss Chalfant and pupils.

  • 1915

    Fifth entertainment. Miss Chalfant and pupils. Proceeds $18.60

  • 1916

    37th meeting of the Christiana Library Association on Feb. 22
    Paid $6.00 for fire insurance for books in new location in Miss Hoy’s new millinery
    parlor where the books and shelves have been since Nov. 16, 1915. Worn books to be
    taken from the library and given to the Zion M.E. Church.
    Salary to Miss Hoy to be $2.00 a month.

  • 1917

    Decision to make the library a free library but no charge at present.
    Sixth entertainment. Musical given by Miss May Gilpia and Miss Brecht reciter.
    Proceeds $5.45.

  • 1918

    Complaint – No shelf space is Miss Hoy’s Store.

  • 1919

    Report that Mary B. Pownall had died. She was the president of the library for 22
    years. 1897 – 1919